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Recent content by skiwez

  1. Where in the chain does the reponsibilty lie?

    As an avid driver and scuba diver i can say that divers have probably the same amount of impact on the ecosystem as the tropical fish hobby. The vast majority of divers are new and inexperienced come crashing down on the reefs walking on corals etc. Not necessarily intentionally but it does h...
  2. Odd Question - Anyone Use an Airstone in their DT?

    Salt creep would be a major problem Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  3. Smell from Cyano bacteria normal?

    I've had that happen when I get cyano. Best way to clear up is to keep the skimmer clean. My tank is also in the basement and can tell by smell when I walk in that the skimmer needs cleaning Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  4. Vibrant Liquid Aquarium cleaner... anyone use it?

    I've used it and had pretty good success with clearing bubble algae and bryopsis. I then had to fight cyano for a while. Not sure is was a direct link. But I stopped using once algae was clear because of the cyano. Took about 8 weeks or so to clear. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  5. New Stock Alert!!

    was there this weekend for the first time. really healthy livestock. Flagfin is in QT, and doing great. Was really cool to see a school of gem tangs!!!
  6. Vortech anti sync or Sync

    Not sure why but there doesn't seem to be alot info out there. I have asked the same questions trying to figure out the most efficient water movement. I have tried both, still experimenting. Haven't found one that seems to head and shoulders above the rest. Really depends what your trying to...
  7. Has anyone ever used bio pellets? Results?

    Been using biopellets for about a year now. Definitely took awhile to get it dialed in, but now am happy with the results. Nitrates coming down, no extra bio snot.
  8. Who dun it?

    In his first post 3 inch tiger conch named Tank :-)
  9. Water quality changed in NY?

    Haven't noticed tds much, but I've been blowing through sediment filters. Matter of fact bought a case of 50 just last week for that reason Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  10. Copperband Butterfly NOT Eating In New Tank

    You definitely need to pay attention to the size of the food also especially at the beginning. My copperbands initially took LRS fish frenzy and pe mysis. But while they ate I watched closely whenever I could. They would only eat the smallest pieces. Other they would mouth and spit out...
  11. WTB - Mexican Turbos

    Anyone know if any Queens or Nassau County stores have Mexican Turbos in stock? Looking to buy 15-20

    Any vendors in Manhattan/Queens or even Nassua County that have the REEF Octopus bubble blaster HY-3000 or RODC 3500 with adapter PM me? Trying to get this fixed ASAP as my pump broke ideally by this weekend? Can anyone help?
  13. Christmas Sale Started "End 01/01/2016

    Stopped by yesterday, first time at the store, really clean tanks and healthy livestock.
  14. Livestock Pictures 12-8-15

    Yup definitely looks like they are firing on all cylinders again. Was there on the weekend awesome collection of fish and corals. Roco and company are back to their awesome selves
  15. Moorish Idol feeding

    How's the fish doing? We're you able to get it to eat?
