I ordered it by mistake (I only need one, but ordered 2 -- I need to check my eye doctor). It will arrive tomorrow. Original price is $30, asking only $16. Let me know if you would like to pick up. I am home all day. Zip code 07059.
I have 2 healthy fish for sale:
- Long Hawkfish $22 (Liveaquaria sells for $39.99
Very curious and brave, will come to beg for food when you approach
- Neon Dottyback. $18...
New Jersey : multiple fish/leather/anemone FS (low price!)
Selling for a friend who is out of hobby.
Gorgeous LARGE, fat and bright yellow one spot foxface $45
Purple Anemone $30
Neon Dottyback $28
HUGE toad stool leather SOLD
RBTA attached on liverock SOLD
Flame Angel SOLD
Kole yellow...
I paid $600+ tax and it is used literally for only 2 days.I don't need it because it is moved to basement where it is cool.
Asking for $499 only, my loss your gain.
Text me at (201)253-6625 if interested. Pickup only at Warren, NJ 07059 only (I am home all the time). Thanks