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Recent content by snipertwobe

  1. Coral WTS OG Colorado Sunburst

    I love my CSB picked it up from Marc , fantastic guy and A+ corals. Buy with confidence, this is a picture of the one that I got from him Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
  2. Coral Sticks, stones,LPS and zoas

    Last chance ,packing up in a few hours to come down, anyone else want something while I am packing? Message me by 10.
  3. Coral Sticks, stones,LPS and zoas

    SC OP and Disney's sold.
  4. Question Neptune Trident

    Thanks tsouth. But if I buy it from him ,the warranty is null and void. As far as the reagents. Have u tried looking on brs or on Neptune themself?
  5. Frag Swap Looking for highend sps for the swap

    I posted up a few higher end pieces. Under stick,stones,lps and zoas. Let me know if anything interests you. RR burning umber RR Jawdropper Disney RR the vhin PC Superman SC OP Matt v rainbow Envy
  6. Iso Trident

    Want to know which vendors are going to have a trident at the show. Send me a message if you will and we can work something out.
  7. Coral Sticks, stones,LPS and zoas

    Looking to meet at the swap. Here is a nice mix of corals I can bring with me to the swap, I can also do packs, to lower cost, the zoas I have multiple of and I am open to trades as well. The short list of sps, RR the vhin, 1 1/2+ 60 x2 Yellow acro 1 1/2+ 50 SC OP, sold RR Jawdropper 1" 550...
  8. Coral WTB - Zoa Frags (1-2 Polyps)

    I have a bunch of zoas on the rack. Everlasting Gobstoppers, rastas, Hallie berries, scrambled eggs, utter chaos, I will throw a few pics up later if you need, and some higher end stuff as well. I can also out together a nice pack for cheap, pm me when u get a chance.
  9. Coral Torches - SPS - Duncans - Acans - Hammers

    What do u have for sps?
  10. Coral WTB: SC Orange Passion Aco

    I have one I can bring with me.
  11. wtb: paly / zoa pack

    I have a few of those, located in CT you should come up to fragtoberfest on the 26th in Windsor CT ,you should be able to find all those and more! Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
  12. Neptune AWM module

    Still looking Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
  13. Neptune AWM module

    Looking for a Neptune AWM module. Let me know if you have one you'd be willing to part with , cash or corals , or both.. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
  14. Red Sea max 400-s and other reef stuff

    Tank sold. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
  15. Red Sea max 400-s and other reef stuff

    Ttt Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
