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Recent content by Soccer4

  1. Help!

    Thanks for the help TheJayReefer and Marrone, but I cut the head that was sucked in so much I could see its skeleton.When I cut it though it was mushy and dead.I hope that the other head stays aliave.
  2. Help!

    it is the 6th one down, mine looks like it
  3. Help!

  4. Help!

    <img src="https://www.livingreefs.com/attachments/photo-5-jpg.12713/" alt="Image result for brown jelly disease"/> it looks like this so i geuss it is
  5. Help!

    Im trying to upload a picture, but i dont know how it doesnt look like brown jelly desiese though
  6. Help!

    I recently baught a 2 headed kriptonite torch for my 14 gallon biocube(compact florecent light). there seems to be a brownish black substance that is taking over one of my torch's heads.I dont know what it is but it seems to be growing.If any one knows what it is please tell me, Thanks.
  7. WTB Biocube

    Can someone take this down
  8. WTB Biocube

    Pm's sent/bump
  9. WTB Biocube

    Pm's sent
  10. Wtb water

    There is some for $14.95 at "pets warehouse"
  11. WTB Biocube

  12. Tank Thread Tank reached 38 years old...in 2009!

    Wow, I recieved so much info while reading this thread, It is amazing to have all this information on 1 website.AMAZING
  13. long tenticle rbta black and white mouth

    Wish I could, I dont have my tank yet.Nice tank and corals
  14. Coral store

  15. Coral store

    Im just asking, im setting up a biocube soon and hoping to get some nice corals but thanks.
