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Recent content by steak32

  1. Interest Survey! SCUBA Diving as a group?

    NOT OLD We are planning for next year already!, most of our subscribers including my self own boats, and we are going to take as many people as we can to a snorkeling point close to Miami like Fowey Rocks. http://www.reeflover.com
  2. Interest Survey! SCUBA Diving as a group?

    Hey we are all from S. Florida and we are planning a few snorkeling / Diving excursions, check my site for more info... http://www.reeflover.com
  3. South Florida Coral Trading the easy way...

    Hi all, we are gathering South Florida reef enthusiasts, so we can trade some corals and also to go and do some snorkeling around Miami, Key Biscayne, etc if you are interested please drop by and sign in here Or if you have any questions you can email me here [email protected] Thank you...
  4. Florida reefers, lets talk...

    Thanks! I just registered I am a Miami resident and have some zoos for trade, I will post some pictures on your site...
  5. Florida reefers, lets talk...

    Great, I have some stuff I can trade, BTW I like the format of the site, maybe now we will be able to trade more often. :) Thanks for the invitation
  6. blank

  7. Did my first wallpaper :)

    This is my clown, hosting on an Alveopora. Pic was taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel no flash. Available on 1600x1200, 1280x1024. 1024x768, let me know :wink:
  8. Help me get rid of this red algea please

    I have no idea what kind of algea is it. 55 gallons 7 months old Temp 79.5-81 N03= 10 Amonia =0.20 PO =0 Calcium 400 10 gallons refugium 440watts VHO Skimmer 1 Flame Angel 1 Percula Clown 3 Green Chromis 1 Mandarin Dragonette Macro Algea in the refugium 25 hermits 25 turbos feed once every...
  9. Emerald crabs dying HELP

    This is the second one this week, my water parameters are fine, I saw a very small puncture on the last one it was on its crab shell, but it was not a perfect circle lile the ones made by worms, it was more like he got it from a fight or like something felt on top... WEIRD. any ideas? I have 2...
  10. A pic of my Toadstool molting

    It is normal on some leathers to shed a waxy mucus... hope the pic helps someone in the future
  11. Pics of my corals, this is a 2 month old setup.

    Thanks to Charlie from http://www.Reefguide.com for all the awesome help and all the coral frags! You are the MAN! :lol:
