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Recent content by texasreefer

  1. Cheap Float Switch !!

    You can get the same switch from Grainger and wire it up w/ a relay. The switches work really well but if you put too big of pump on it the contacts will burn out. By using a relay you can use any size pump you want. Use the switch to power the coil of the relay and then use a set of N.O...
  2. I gotta say I'm impressed

    I agree. There are some beautiful pictures posted here.
  3. UW Photo - Tesselated Blenny

    Nice looking fish. Maybe you should collect some next time you go diving.
  4. UW Photo - Seaweed Blenny

    Really nice picture!
  5. I need more eyecandy? :P

    It's one of the few pictures I have somebody else has my camera. :D
  6. I need more eyecandy? :P

    Pair of Leaf fish.
  7. which book?

    I would second the recommendation for Borneman's book.
  8. Need To see how to Build a Surge

    We had Eric Borneman speak at our club meeting tonight about surge devices. It was a really good presentation and he demonstrated several different designs. The Borneman design is really simple to build and cheap. The main drawback to the design as well as the Carlson Surge is bubbles in the...
  9. Wire connect / disconnect

    I did the same thing and it works great.
  10. Metal Halide Experts plz respond..

    The 6500 is recommended to be run on a MV ballast, but it will run on a MH ballast. Running it w/ a MH ballast will cause it to not be quite as bright and more yellow.
  11. Need Help with CPR BakPak - what's missing?

    You need a new powerhead and venturi kit. I would order a Maxi-jet 1200 & venturi kit from http://www.premiumaquatics.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=PA&Category_Code=Maxijet For the surface skimming you can order a surface skimmer attachment from...
  12. Scraping Acrylic front... does it leave scratches?

    A old credit card works great.
  13. Lighting help for canopy

    For the VHO I would use a Workhorse 7 ballast. It is a lot cheaper than a Ice Cap. It comes w/ a 5 year warranty and will run 220W total. Go to the Fulham website for a list of local dealers to order trhe ballast from. For the MH I would get a regular tar ballast. You can buy the ballast for...
  14. Who Killed my Royal Gramma

    Normally brittlestars only eat fish if they are already dead or dying. If a fish is heathly a brittlestar can't catch it.
  15. Mail Order Frozen Food?

    http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/s ... CatId=8038
