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Recent content by the_noooob

  1. Skimmer and AquaSafe Plus don't mix

    never run your skimmer while adding additives that have to do with API . will over flow your skimmer lol. i did a huge water change, dont turn your skimmer for about a week.
  2. hmm talk about rare! only at TRS

    ill be there today for sure!
  3. CPR AquaFuge2 Refugium

  4. Weight limit for fish tank in apartment?

    i got a 65 on the 12th floor. no problems at all.
  5. ~~~My 90 Cube tank built~~~

    this thread good me droolin.. good job and keep it up! :thrash:
  6. IM Nuvo 20 gallon and other items

    Large skimmer is gone.
  7. anemone swollen mouth

    same thing happened to mine after the new tank swap, went from a 20g to a 65g , and it kinda shocked it. now its back to normal, im running more carbon, now hes acclimated after about 8 days.
  8. IM Nuvo 20 gallon and other items

    Morning bump
  9. CPR AquaFuge2 Refugium

    13" h
  10. CPR AquaFuge2 Refugium

    its still available
  11. IM Nuvo 20 gallon and other items

    bump everything is still available
  12. Has anyone ever used bio pellets? Results?

    great results, only used it when i had any nitrate problems.
