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Recent content by thebigdog

  1. Custom coral made from live rock

    Custom coral made from live rock (actually base rock, until added to your tank) Pieces measure 20" to 24" tall Brand New - Never Used Three pieces at $50.00 each, or Buy All Three for $125.00 LOOKS LIKE THE REAL THING Smaller Red One included FREE Located near Bridgeport Connecticut NO...
  2. Massive chiller with controller for 300 gallon Tank

    Massive chiller with controller. unknown brand, nothing is marked was used on a 300 gallon reef tank WORKS GREAT - ICE CODE $400.00 or best reasonable offer. NO TRADES - CASH ONLY Includes custom black pexiglass box cover Located near Bridgeport, Connecticut 203-400-9110 CALL OR TEXT ONLY...
  3. Looking to buy an Atlantic Blue Tang

    Also know as a Caribbean Blue Tang. Must be an adult at least 3.5" to 4" long. Preferably already blue, or in transition. Shipping is OK, since I live in Connecticut Reasonable Please 203-400-9110
  4. wtb: chiller 1/3hp or 1/4

    Just PM'd you
  5. Bluespine Unicorn Tang - Naso unicornis - Sturgeon Fish

    Hello Joe, long time no see.
  6. Bluespine Unicorn Tang - Naso unicornis - Sturgeon Fish

    Most any, I am retired...
  7. Bluespine Unicorn Tang - Naso unicornis - Sturgeon Fish

    Bluespine Unicorn Tang Scientific Name: Naso unicornis Suitable for Reef Tanks It is now a fat and healthy 8" long. The horn is slightly prutruding, and will break through any day now. TRADES MAY BE CONSIDERED FOR: Purple Tang Flame Angel School of large Chromis Larger Dwarf Lionfish You...
  8. Wanted: Some Chaeto Macroalgae

    I need some Chaeto, to seed a refugum. Possible like a good full sandwich bag full. Hopefully someone near the coast line, or as far as medidan. Free if your overstock and going to tyhrow away, or Very Reasonable Connecticut area or Westchester only. NYC is just too far for me to go. thanks
  9. Any have a tassled Filefish for sale?

    Any one have a tassled Filefish for sale? Looking in Connecticut or Westchester areas. Please email or PM me size and asking price thanks
  10. HUGE GIANT 300 Gallon Complete Aquarium Setup

