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Recent content by therich84

  1. Question Back after a long hiatus...thoughts on new setup.

    Do you have any pics of his plumbing so I can get an idea. Thanks.
  2. Question Back after a long hiatus...thoughts on new setup.

    I had a saltwater tank for about 10 years and then got out of the hobby. It's been about 10 years and I'm ready to come back. I plan to buy a SCA 50 gal. Eco tech marine pnp setup. I am going to add a tunze ato, diy algae scrubber, heater. I also want to plumb it with pvc instead of rubber...
  3. Trigger with these fish?

    i would say no...the trigger will eat the clownfish
  4. coral feeding

  5. coral feeding

    i just got a yellow fiji leather and a cabbage leather. the fiji opened within two hours which is a good sign. now i know that both corals can be fine with just light but i want to feed them directly. any suggestions on what to feed them.
  6. My New LED fixture

    cheaper or more expensive than t5?
  7. Phospate reactor

    hey guys, im ordering the two little fishes phospate reactor and i was wondering what the best media would be for it. thanks for the advice
  8. Anemones Show Em' Off :)

    from wwof
  9. Setting up Reef Tank

    i have a 72 bow with 2 hydor koralia 4's ans 2 koralia 3's
  10. Small schooling fish

    thanks for all the input..im likin the ghost cardinals
  11. Small schooling fish

    hey guys i have 72g bow and im looking to add a small schooling fish to finish off my stocking. i want something that will only get to about 2 - 2.5 inches in length as i want 5 or so. right now i have a yellow tail damsel, a tomini tang, a pair of misbar perculas and a bullet goby. any...
  12. Free Snowflake Eel

    hi guys, i have a 8" snowflake eel that i cant keep anymore. it's free to anyone that can pick it up in whitestone.
  13. Help on last fish choice

    thnx for the replies...i wound up getting a niger trigger
  14. Help on last fish choice

    Hi guys i got a 72 bowfront with lost of hiding places. right now i have a 2" melon butterfly, 2 1/2" bicolor angel and a 3" keyhole angel. im trying to figure out what to get next. it'll prob be the last fish i put in for a while. any suggestions are welcome
  15. butterflyfish question

    on bluezooaquatics.com i saw a tahitian butterflyfish and they say it can be kept in a reef with caution. i want to buy it but i cant find any info on it anywhere. has anyone had one or have any info on it? thanks
