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Recent content by timclark27

  1. ID for these...ummm....things please

    Thanks. I have a few of them on the rock.
  2. ID for these...ummm....things please

    Heres the second lot. Sorry for the fuzzy pics. These are the best of about 10 attempts.
  3. ID for these...ummm....things please

    I have two groups of what look like some sort of eggs. I will try and attach some pics. The first ones are orange with darker centres. The others are black and white. They only appear in the one cluster, nowhere else. My tank is still cycling and has no critters or fish other than what hitched a...
  4. bristle worms dying

    I'm no expert on reef tanks but I have a medical background and ammonia is what gives urine its smell. So the ammonia level must be reasonably high I suspect.
  5. Mantis Shrimp? Clicking noise

    Thanks. I might give that a go. That or just wait 9 years :)
  6. Mantis Shrimp? Clicking noise

    Hi, I have a reef tank that I am setting up. I am nearing the end of cycling the tank. I have heard clicking noises coming from the tank almost from the beginning. I only have live rock in there at the moment. I have taken all the rock out twice, dunked them in fresh water for about a minute and...
  7. new to reef-keeping-equipment questions

    Hi, I'm new here and new to reef keeping. In fact new to aquariums full stop, never had so much as a goldfish. Nothing like jumping in the deep end(I did spend several months checking the depth of the water first). I have a 30 gallon tank with a 10 gallon sump as I thought a sump would be quiet...
