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Recent content by Travis1

  1. Special Request:: HITCHHIKERS

    Still unidentified??
  2. Special Request:: HITCHHIKERS

    Some kind of star?? I have found about 6 so far in my sps reef. None have been on the corals so far.
  3. Special Request:: HITCHHIKERS

    Strawberry Crab... I believe...
  4. November Photo Contest-- "FISH FACE"

    Name: Travis Photo title: Is it Safe Camera: Concord 4060AF Locaton: My 55g
  5. Feeding Question...

    Thanks Laura. I have been feeding my tanks for a couple months now. The sps tank gets a small amount of golden pearls, Cyclop-eeze and DTs twice a week. I know sps corals are carnivores but I figure the DTs will feed something. My softy/ LPS tank gets cyclop-eeze and DTs twice a week and the...
  6. Feeding Question...

    What are everyone’s feelings on feeding... 1. Soft Corals 2. LPS Corals 3. SPS Corals As you know there is a lot of differencing opinions on feeding. What's yours??
  7. c- balance, how often, how much, on softy tank?

    I would say none. If water changes keep it at 400ppm ca and 3.2 dkh then why add any?? Those levels are adiquate to maintain coraline... LPS and softie corals.
  8. clumping of substrate.

    Kind of like curing LR but not nearly as involved. Some old tank water mixed with the sand for a week or so... or new saltwater with food or something to kick off the cycling process. The reason for curing the sand is to get a coating of bacteria around the individual grains of sand. It will...
  9. October Photo Contest--"A Different View"

    Photo Title: Mass Sweepers Photographer: Travis Camera: Concord 4060 AF Location: 55g Softie/LPS Reef
  10. clumping of substrate.

    Was the substrate un-cured when you added it?? Sometimes if the substrate is not cured it will clump up. IMO 8.4 is fine on the PH... what is the low side??
  11. danger on calcium clorhide

    Just mix it with RO/DI water before adding to the tank. Let it dissolve all the way, add it kind of slow... no worries.
  12. 500 gal SPS tank questions

    What is the PH of your ca reactor?? If the ca/alk is "creeping" downward than a small adjustment with the reactor may steady it out.
  13. RO/DI Advice Needed

    RO/DI!! I have a Typhoon III and love it!!
