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Recent content by Vapox

  1. Nirvana Zoa's

    Fully grown colony (multiple heads) on a plug $35 text me at 347-331-7557
  2. Shoutout! Fungia plate

  3. Coral Ft yuma ricordea for zoa/paly

    its all blue, try taking a pic that shows its colors
  4. Coral 2 Haddoni Carpet Anemones and a bicolor Goniopora

    Do you still have the scoly? Text me at 3473317557.
  5. Fish Yellow belly hippo tang F/S

    Is it still available?
  6. Coral 2 Haddoni Carpet Anemones and a bicolor Goniopora

    I'm interested in your Scoly, i msg'd you
  7. FREE Return pump

  8. Equipment Jebao OW-10 Wave Maker

    FOR SALE: Jebao OW-10 Wave Maker $30 Need something stronger for my 35gal but it's perfect for a smaller tank. It's only seen about a month of water so its still practically new. Text me at 347-331-7557
  9. FREE Return pump

    Giving away a free ActiveAQUA return pump, I was upgrading to another return and I didn't want to throw it away since this hobby is so expensive but i also don't have the time to clean it and re-purpose it. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. I'm including the pvc pipe with thread and union that it was...
  10. Free filter socks

  11. FREE Refillable RODI Media Cartridge x2

    *Free* the second one looks cracked, it's not. that's a scratch. text me at 347-331-7557
  12. Free filter socks

    Bump each filter sock was used once.
  13. Trigger Systems 10gal ATO container

