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Recent content by Vjl

  1. Aquavital marine test strips

    AquaVital Marine Test 5in1 Give Quick Estimate of Calcium, Alkalinity, ph and nitrates, nitrites. Saw this on some forums, sounds like an interesting product. Made in Germany But Doesn?t seem to be available in US. Has anyone tried this, know where to purchase, are they any good? Thank you.
  2. Learning the ropes

    With all the reefing products, it can get confusing. I started with corals about 6 months ago. I Have 2 hammers, a brain coral, 2 torch?s and 2 leathers In 30 gal tank. I change about 10 percent of the water a week. Looking for what others do in terms of dosing and what specific products people...
  3. Aquafx barracuda

    Hi, I have a handheld tds meter (ez by HM). I test the water out of the tap each time I start. It usually ranges from 31-41. I live in bklyn. I then test the rodi water, it?s always 0. So if TDS of rodi water starts going up, change DI resin, if back to 0 I?m fine. If still up change the other...
  4. Aquafx barracuda

    Hi all, Just purchased an AquaFx Barracuda. Works really good. I understand that when the tds start going up it means It?s time to change filters. However, should I change all 3 filters (except the membrane) At once. And should I just change the membrane Every year or 2 no matter what. Thanks.
  5. NYC Water TDS Readings

    Tested tap and tank water using just purchased HM TDS EZ meter. Tap (cold) was 76 TDS, Tank water reading was 3 blinking dashes followed by a 1. I wonder if temp can effect reading. Thx.
  6. NYC Water TDS Readings

    Thx, I wanted something compact. So I just ordered a liquagen portable 4 stage. But I think I?ll need converter to attached it to my bathroom faucet. I?ll see when I get it. Thank you.
  7. NYC Water TDS Readings

    New to forum and want advice. If TDS is about 30ish. Do you need ro/di unit in nyc. Thanks
