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Recent content by WannaBeReefer

  1. Does the TDS say it all?

    Depends on how much water your making and where the source is. Well water will burn up the catridges much faster than public water. My Kent unit recommends you change the cartridges at 6 months. My current set is at 5 months and still going strong. Of course now I am going to make some water...
  2. In sump skimmer question

    Yep! and nope! Your return pump will be pushing alot of water, so the exchange is nothing to worry about.
  3. Clamped Fins on Clown Fish

    bookwormtoo, I'm no expert, but could your nitrates be high? Are you sure your cycle is over? Clamped fins I think are from poor water quality. Meaning high ammonia, nitrites,nitrates. Just a thought! My false percs ate immediately, but I have had fish not eat for over a week. My Firefish went...
  4. Freshwater equipment to saltywater

    From what I read, I think that one of the reasons for not using FW equipment was because alot of people medicate their FW tanks with copper at some point in time. The copper is very hard to get rid of and is not something you want in a reef tank.
  5. 'Nuther stoopid newbie question

    I was in the same boat, not half as complicated as it seems. I sent ya a PM!
  6. Newbie here... help!

    I have nothing special, probably the same thing that alot of people have here. I just copied this. http://www.marinedepot.com/aquarium_fil ... sp?CartId= They are nice enough to give exact demensions. :) As far as the size goes, I would get as big a tank as possible, some people use...
  7. Newbie here... help!

    CS8-2 seems like its the size you would want, anyone else have an opinion? With a good skimmer you should not need any other mechanical filtration, the biological filtration will be handled by your live rock. Read up on the Berlin System/Method of filtration. Personally I like a prefilter to...
  8. I just did the math...

    I had a very similar problem, what temperature is the water going into the unit? To get the featured output they recommend the water temp be around 70. I was 50, so trickle trickle..... The guys at Kent Marine gave me a great idea and it works well. I purchased an extra 60 feet of ro/di tubing...
  9. Newbie here... help!

    I think for a tank that size you may want to spend some more on a better skimmer. A good skimmer is not cheap, but its worth it weight in gold... I have a Euro-Reef and love it. You can find rock online, look in the sponsors section, as far as stink! with that much un-cured rock its not going...
  10. Newbie with some basic questions...

    Read all ya can in the books and when you have a question about something you read, search the archives here. You will find tons and tons of info once you know what you want to look for, if you cant? just post, everyone here is great! Do yourself a favor and read read read! Personally I...
  11. Filter Change Time?

    I had the same filter for my freshwater system, I used to change it every 60 days. Once a month would not be bad in a saltwater tank. Remember, all the crap in that filter decomposes and adds to the extra nutients in the system if you leave it in there to long. You run the risk of nusiance...
  12. Bio Wheels and the Seaclone 100,,,,,

    I would think alot of things included with a new tank are just marketing, plain and simple. All filters work, but which ones actually do the job you need. Also which ones are doing the job you think they are doing.
  13. Cyno

    Thats what I thought, I added a huge clump of grape to my fuge the other day, hopefully it helps. I'm going to add some carbon also. Thanks for the suggestion
  14. Cyno

    Well, its here! my first problem and its my fault. I had some pesky macro growing in my main tank, finally I got sick of it and yanked it out. The next day I had cyno covering portions of my sand. I should have removed the macro slowly as to not upset the system. Live and learn. For now, how...
  15. ID on this and what eats it

    How is this one? I looked up Caulerpa sertularioides and I dont think its that. This seems to be rounder.
