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Recent content by What up thou

  1. Breaking down 75. Selling All.

    Thanks Reeflover +1 Filled my tank nice and thanks for the freebies without me even asking... Great guy hope to do future business with you
  2. Live rock

    Need live rock cheap...was out the game and want to get back
  3. Zoas

    Bump for Good Friday
  4. Zoas

    Yeah 13 polyps that's less than $10pp
  5. WTB Maxi Minis

    I have a nice one on nice size rock pm me with # so I can send pic if interested
  6. Zoas

    I have a nice package deal $100 takes it 7 Rastas and 6 Purple Hornets pm me if interested
  7. Purple algae ?

    Duke you are right I just google it.... Any tricks on getting rid of it
  8. Purple algae ?

    So notice been growing purple algae on sand bed, my goby disturbs it where the algae will float elsewhere and keep growing, the thing is my polyps don't like it and will not open if contact....how can I get rid of it
  9. Zoas and mini colony sps F/S

    Hey jug if you wanna trade red hornets for sunnyds let me know will be free on Friday
  10. SunnyD's

    Bump home Friday and Saturday
  11. Wtb

    Nice selection +1
  12. SunnyD's

    Any trades out here Pm me what you have, looking for trades only
  13. SunnyD's

    Okay so I sold over 25polyps hope to all that purchased off of me,that they spread as quick as they do for me... Now would like to trade I am interested in red hornets, captain America's, utter chaos, blue agaves, chong bongs, fruit loops want to expand my collection please pm me if you can frag...
  14. Help me ID my corals PLEASE

    Dragon eyes, magician, captain America ,pink and golds, button paly Think I named all of your palys
  15. SunnyD's

