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Recent content by Widdy

  1. Apex configuaration

    Cool deal. G'luck with it!
  2. Apex configuaration

    Try -- Method 1: Open a web browser to http://apex and see if ARP can locate your Apex. or Method #2 (if on Windows) -- http://support.neptunesystems.com/support/solutions/articles/3000017576-how-to-access-your-classic-dashboard-pc
  3. Fish Tank and Stand - Best Offer

    Please post asking prices for items for sale.
  4. Bad News, Good News and Better News!!

    That's insane! Don't flush it, it might clog your plumbing! :lol2:
  5. Pic of the Week 2/20

  6. Help...

    Probably a bacteria bloom.
  7. Apex warn you when disconnected from wifi

    Reeftronics works well. Been using them for about 2 years. When it timesout from reaching my Apex, it'll email me. Usually in 10 minutes of it timing out. Or like Ming mentioned, you can try http://uptimerobot.com/ I use it for my servers.
  8. 200 gallon deep dimension

    It clearly says it in the 4th post on the page. Calling us names will get you far.
  9. Entire set up

    As per site rules, post your asking prices on all items being sold.
  10. Coast To Coast Aquariums

    Your post history shows you were a vendor/distributor. Is that still the case? The few posts you have on this forum is quite self serving.
  11. Coast To Coast Aquariums

    No etching on my 75g C2C tank. Only a sticker or gigantic P-Touch label with my name on the bottom glass (exterior side). My silicone work is immaculate. Not sure what's up with C2C nowadays, it's been 5 years since I bought my tank from them.
  12. Can anyone tell me what is this?

    Chiton, I got money on this. http://www.melevsreef.com/node/406
  13. Can anyone tell me what is this?

  14. Conch shell

    Yea, it looks a bit dated from the outside. We'll be at Windsong (right next to Coral Gardens) this time.
  15. Conch shell

    Cool. How was your trip?
