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Recent content by Xavier613

  1. Official Live Sale Thread

  2. Official Live Sale Thread

  3. Official Live Sale Thread

    29 too lol
  4. Official Live Sale Thread

    32 188
  5. Someone say Live Sale?

    I believe it is tonight, Wednesday the 16th
  6. anemone?

    I would wait longer, an anemone shouldn't be added for 6+ months generally, until the tank is 100% stable and established
  7. WTB Bubble tip anemone

    Looking for an anemone that is at least 4"+ across, either a nice rbta, or an uncommon color morph. Not interested in a rainbow with a fancy name for $400, so don't bother with anything like that. Shoot me a message with what you have, member or vendor, doesn't matter. Need a picture or link and...
  8. Someone say Live Sale?

    Will you b e able to ship items purchased during your live sale?
  9. Hollywood Block Party - Range Rover Runs over Bikers !

    Come on man, its all obviously a giant conspiracy
  10. Muffler System

    Apexi ws2
  11. Ben Franklin Packs

    Im very interested in #1. Where in jersey.
  12. Tank breakdown

    I'd take that 612 setup if you weren't so far. Any chance of meeting if I paypal payment in full? Shoot me a pm
  13. 40 breeder set up f/s

    lol you didnt get it either? sheeeet. Heck i offered to pay his original asking price and everything -.-
