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Recent content by xc800x

  1. Mp40 for sale

    message sent
  2. pulsing Xenia's for sale

    still waiting for an answer to what you sold me
  3. pulsing Xenia's for sale

    pm sent
  4. WYSIWYG Coral Pack - $ 50

    pmed you
  5. Different LPS for sale

    very nice stuff.His camera doesnt show the colors or size well.It is well worth the trip to see in person.Thanks for the trachs
  6. Different LPS for sale

    message sent
  7. 180 breakdown: fish sale and clams

    rb sent
  8. Livestock for sale

    whats your zip code?
  9. free to good home

    gone thanks
  10. free to good home

    hippo tang maybe 6" for free to a good home.local pick up only.please send a number you can be reached at.pick up in 10590
  11. Live Rock for Sale!!!

    page sent
  12. Filter sock sale - save $5 on 4inch and $6 on 7 inch

    Thank you,they came the next day as you said they would.Nice to deal with someone that means what they say.If and when I need more I will remember.
