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Recent content by XTDRAGON

  1. Does this eat acros!?

    These guys are Great, they Are a special addition to any tank. They thrive and live their entire live in Acro's, I've actually had a few of them hitchhike there way ino my tank.
  2. Tank Thread Tank reached 38 years old...in 2009!

    You are a good man.
  3. FREE - 40 Gallon Breeder with stand and skirt TODAY

    Sounds good, I texted you. I was the 407 number.
  4. FREE - 40 Gallon Breeder with stand and skirt TODAY

    I can have someone today or tomorrow to pick it up, I will give you a call shortly.
  5. Free/adoption

    Are you located in NJ or NY I'm in PA and I can track the distance and pick them up if you want?
  6. Cycling dry rock

    Definity, You should do Mild Water Changes. It took me 3 months to fully, Naturally Cycle my rock, And I only used 50lbs. Try doing a 20% water change, then add new water in. wait a week and continue to test.
  7. Rodi brown risen

    Ah, I do have a meter, But For some odd reason, the results I'm getting don't satisfy my curiosity, I guess I am just being a bit too OCD. Thank You for your advice.
  8. Rodi brown risen

    Hey Fellow Reefers, So I have a question, I have that famous RO Buddy that comes with the 4th stage "Risen". Over time it has turned brown and since money is a little tight, I want to extend the life of the Brown Risen, How long would you say I can extend the life of the Risen? -Cheers!
  9. The Advantages of Keeping a Natural Tank

    Woah....Now that was a Good Read, Cheers Mate!
  10. Camera Lenses

    Thank You, I've wanted to get these amazing shots like the rest of the pro reefers for years! Cheers mate!
  11. Camera Lenses

    Hey Reefers, I wanted to invest in some lenses for my D3300 Nikon DSLR, Unfortunately I've had bad news for any help with this Subject, So! Let's start something going! Does anyone have any advice?
  12. Zoas taking over

    I used to have the Neon Green ones, Not a fan at all, I ended up with Massive swelling and a Slight fever, What made it worse is I cut myself on some life rock, Don't trim these guys in the tank, If you can remove the entire rock and get some Fresh Salt water and begin the cutting outside the...
  13. Zoa advice

    It's Always best to Put any new coral in a shaded are and slowly move them out, Honestly since New studies have been going on about them, They are now saying Zoas, Aren't as easy to care for as everyone thinks, They aren't a Bullet Proof for location in the tank, and from my experience, They...
  14. need id on these zoas

    First one is Definite Halle Berry Zoas, They both look like Halle Berry Zoas Actually, I'm 100% On That, WWC has them for sale.
  15. Tips on getting brighter colors

    Actually, I am not sure if you would get a lot of color from these guys, If I am right, These are Creamsicle Zoas, They Generally don't have that crazy Neon Colors, They mainly look good in White Light. But try the Blue Specs, Especially if you have more coral in the tank.
