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Recent content by xxxAngeloxxx

  1. DUKE62 tank thread

  2. Clownfish Gone Wild!

    Bump!!! =d
  3. Little help

    That little tiny invert or the coral? If it's the coral it looks like a wall hammer.
  4. Back at it!!! =D

    Thinking of setting up a 5G fluval mini reef. With my 2 clowns and bicolor blenny and coral banded shrimp. Till I clean my rocks and add more rocks to the DT. Even though the lights might not be strong for the corals in the 5G thinking of putting softy onlys. Then transfer everything to my DT...
  5. Clownfish Gone Wild!

    Nobody has new clownfish?
  6. Back at it!!! =D

    Oh man I know exactly what you mean when it comes to choicing the right fish went you have no more space for more fish. Btw how did you fight your hair algea problem? Besides doing water changes.
  7. Back at it!!! =D

    Thank you Widdy
  8. Back at it!!! =D

    Thank you Russ, how you been Russ? Btw you will be seeing an order from me in a couple of weeks =D
  9. corner overflow

    Have you tried eBay?
  10. corner over flow kit's for a 300 Gallon DD

    Wait what? O.o btw where you been up man. Still have the same number ?
  11. Back at it!!! =D

    Why thank you T!!! =D how's everything T?
  12. Back at it!!! =D

    Hey what's up man how's everything with you and the tank bud?
  13. corner over flow kit's for a 300 Gallon DD

    Finally going to set up the beast J?
  14. Back at it!!! =D

    How's everyone been? I see there are new reefers on the website now. Well as for me I know that I haven't been showing the MR a lot of love for a while already. Do to the fact I been working and paying bills you know the wonderful world of the adult life lol. As for the tank on mine it's still...
  15. Tuni's 80g Rimless Thread

    Wow check out that beautiful tank of yours!
