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Recent content by Zeroevox

  1. Frozen cyclopeeze and Mysis

    My tanks are only 8 gallon and 10 gallons, so Unfortunatley fish are low on my priority list, seeing as I can only keep one or 2 small guys in each. But of he ever does a nice frag tank i would be all about it.
  2. Frozen cyclopeeze and Mysis

    I hope your right. That's my LFS , I just never go because I dislike the condition all the livestock is in.
  3. WTB: Black Ice Clown

    Im pretty sure david @ bath ave has some. I was in there yesterday i saw 3 or 4
  4. Frozen cyclopeeze and Mysis

    the one on utica, thousand island i think, has it. ive bought it there before.
  5. Buy dry Live rock?

    i only need 6lbs, i think it says 10lbs is the minimum on orders.
  6. Buy dry Live rock?

    Anyone know where i can get some dry live rock? Preferably in Brooklyn but if i have to drive i will. Looking for a store with a little selection because i have a certain aquascape in mind, and i only need like 6 lbs because im using the cured stuff for the other 6lbs
  7. brooklyn stores?

    Finally got into Salty H20. He doesnt have much yet...But it looks really promising.
  8. brooklyn stores?

    http://ditmasparkcorner.com/blog/animals/now-open-salty-h2o-marine They were closed. I'll stop in again Friday. I found an article tho.
  9. brooklyn stores?

    Im going to check it out right now. It opened on the 14th from what i found out. Its on coney between ditmas and 18th ave. i work on ditmas and mcdonald. if its nice im screwed because i travel home everyday that way hahahahaha ill post up a short review when I get home.
  10. New Arrvial Specials!!!

    Ill see you Later . Im coming for mine,, need to get my goby to pair
  11. New Arrvial Specials!!!

    How much for the pistol shrimp!!!???
  12. Brooklyn Reefer Lounge

    Hey Guys I Want in on this.
  13. Video - 1st Nano Tank

    Great tank Man. I wish i would've went either 12 or 16 gallon instead of 8
  14. New to the site! My Nuvo 8

    http://youtu.be/OxEu_svOvzE It wont let me embed video i dunno
  15. New to the site! My Nuvo 8

    Update My first Vid http://youtube.com/watch?v=<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/OxEu_svOvzE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
