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I am currently working on a 10 gal nano(my first) Let me tell ya what I have first then I have a few Q's. AGA, 2 hagen PH(85-150 GPH), 36 watt JBL clamp on light W/a 50/50 bulb, and I am building a riser and canopy for it. I also have all of the other neccesities(heater salt tests ect)
I am planning on getting 8-12 lbs of live rock and a DSB. as for as corals go I am mainly looking at mushrooms and some zoo's. For fish I olny want to get a cardinal for it.
What are the best type of critters to get to help stir up the sand?
I am planning on adding some macroalgae to help control the nutrients but I am divided on whether to put them in the main tank or get an aquaclear and put them in there. Your thoughts? I dont want to run a skimmer on this tank. I just plan on changing a couple gallons every week.(alot easier to do on this one than my 130)
Any suggestions or comments will be welcomed


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Sounds like a good plan just a few observations/suggestions. One the DSB in a nano is going to be only marginally effective. I'd stack your rock to maximize the amount of sandbed exposed to get as much denitrification possible. Also a DSB in a small tank takes up valuable water volume. I would go with a 1" maybe 2" sandbed and get a few snad stirring critters. If you don't go with a true DSB and aren't worried about depelting the fauna then a hermit or two (I suggest scarlet reef hermits) and some snails (get a couple nassarius or cerith and a asterlla or two). A small queen or fighting conch works well too but be warned they grow fast - I've seen queen conchs in Key West the size of a football.

As for putting algae in the aquaclear it will work ok but will still need some supplemental lighting for growth. I have a fuge in the back of my 18 gallon that gets most of it's light from the sun (going to eventually get a light for it to do reverse daylight on fuge area). If you are going that route just get one of the small CPR aquafuges and throw some live sand, rock rubble and macro in there in lieu of a skimmer and filter. You could still keepthe filter around to run carbon or for water movement.

Lighting is fine for shrooms and zoos, probably could keep a few hardier leathers too. I like cardinals but they just seem wierd when not in a pair or by themselves - not really that exciting as far as fish go IMO. Maybe a goby (yellow watchmen gobies are my favorite) or even a small 6 line wrasse (though these guys can get to 4 inches or so) for a fish. I don't know if we are allowed to mention other sites but try www.nano-reef.com for more info on nano specific topics.



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I was thinking about a 2 inch DSB but I might start to think about a LSB. As far as the snaials I am leaning towards nass. They seem stir things up a bit more.
I could always supplement the AC fuge with a NO. I am still divided between putting macro it the tank or setting up a fuge


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you would be suprised what regular feedings of pellet food will do for a DSB over time. Any of the snails, hermits mentioned will work on the upper levels and in time your various worms (both larvae and adults imported as hitchhikers) will work their way all through the bed, giving you the true workings you are looking for. it will take about six months for this effect to show in full force.


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