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Springfield, NJ
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I have just moved to Springfield, New Jersey. I want to learn as much as I possibly can about keeping reefs, building tanks and filtration systems and as much as I possibly can about the hobby.

I have kept fish tanks for a few years now. I had a few small tanks(20-30 gallons) three 75 gallon tanks, and a monster 450 gallon tank. All the tanks I kept were freshwater consisting mostly of cichlids and catfish. I bought the 450G to convert to marine but never had the time or money. I always wanted a big marine tank, but never knew enough about the science of maintaining these tanks. I also want to start breeding marine fish, starting with clowns and eventually try and do the near impossible and breed tangs
in captivity.

How does one become a professional in "reefkeeping"?
What would one have to study? marine biology, maybe

If anybody knows of a place where I can work part time(I have a full time job)
to learn as much as I can about reefkeeping. I will work for little or no money. I'm just really interested in reefkeeping.

Thank You


Advanced Reefer
New Jersey
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That is the easiest way to find out information.

Just realize that no one is really a expert, they have lots of time in the hobby.

First thing is first, figure out what you want to keep in the tank and then you can get an idea from some of the guys here on how to move forward.

Getting clowns to breed is easy, raising the fry is the hard part.


Advanced Reefer
North Jersey
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If you're in Springfield, check out Ocean Gallery II on Rt 22.

If you said you don't have the money then I don't think you should set up a huge marine tank.

The cost in water, electricity, salt and additives will cost you dearly each month.


Springfield, NJ
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Thanks bizarro.

I'm not planning on starting a marine tank anytime soon. My current plan is to learn as much as I possibly can about reefkeeping, building tanks and filtration systems. Once I move from rookie to amateur I'l start considering starting a reef.
I checked out Ocean Gallery II's website. Not too far from me. I'll go in on Saturday.


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