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Aquatic Life Direct

Advanced Reefer

This weekend 08/12 to 08/14

30% off all Fish and Corals
Buy 2 get one free on Frags!($20 frag tank only)

We are extending the sale until 08/21!
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Aquatic Life Direct

Advanced Reefer
Here is the current stock

Mystery Wrasse
Vanderbuilt Chromis
Helfrichi Firefish
Red Scooter Blenny
Tailspot Blenny
Yellow watchman Goby
Maroon Clownfish
Diamond Goby
Blue Spotted Jawfish
Tiger Jawfish
Pearly Jawfish
Niger Trigger
Pink Skunk Clownfish
Sailfin Tang
Hovens Wrasse
True Percula
Starry Blenny
Bi-color Pseudochromis
Midas Blenny
Zebra Goby
Rose Band Fairy Wrasse
Clown Wrasse
Spottail Wrasse
Yellow Tang
Ocellaris Clownfish
Eibli Angel
Truncate Anthias
Powder Gray Tang
Purple Pseudochromis
Elegant Coris Wrasse
Bangaii Cardinal
Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish
Harlequin Tusk
Square Anthias
Fishers Angel
Scissortail Goby
Valentini Puffer
Sunburst Anthias
Clarkii Clownfish
Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Hippo Tang

This weeks addition.....
Red Leopard wrasse
Green Bird Wrasse
Scotts Fairy Wrasse
Ruby Fairy Wrasse
Tomini Tang
Multicolor Cleaner Wrasse (Beautiful!)
Vila Fairy Wrasse
XL Purple Tang
L Yellow Tang
M Yellow Tang
Chalk Basslet
Breeding Clarkii Pairs
Moorish Idol Eatting Frozen, flakes, and pellets..... Super healthy!

I will run this promotion until 12am! If you guys want to order please shoot me over what your interested in and you can pay via paypal.


Senior Member
What is you condition for delivery?

do you have pics of Red leopard wrasse? i am interested in couple of fishes and would like to know prices


Aquatic Life Direct

Advanced Reefer
leopard wrasse is sold already. Any order $75 and over in BK, QUEENS, AND MANHATTAN can get free delivery.

Tentacles i only have hammers and frogspawns in stock at the moment....

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