- Location
- Montclair, NJ
Clown Angler (2.5") (Antennarius maculatus) = $100 (1)
Smooth Angler (2") (Antennarius commersoni) = $50 (4) 3 SOLD
Polleni Grouper (3") (Cephalopholis polleni) = $60 (1)
Tigertail Coral Beauty (2.5") (Centropyge bispinosa) = $25 (1)
Blue Gudgeon Dartfish (2.5") (Ptereleotris heteroptera) = $10 (2)
Spotted Hawkfish (2") (Cirrhitichthys aprinus) = $10 (1)
Arc Eye Hawkfish (3") (Paracirrhitus arcuatus) = $10 (1)
Twospot maori wrasse (3") (Oxycheilinus bimaculatus) = $20 (1)
Lennardi Wrasse (1.5") (Anampses lennardi) = $600 (1) SOLD
Achilles Tang (3") (Acanthurus achilles) = $200 (2) SOLD
Achilles Tang (5.5") (Acanthurus achilles) = $300 (1) SOLD
Declivis Butterflyfish (2.5") (Chaetodon declivis) = $250 (1) SOLD
Chevron Tang Juvi. (2.5") (Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis) = $150 (1) SOLD
Helfrichi Firefish (2") (Nemateleotris helfrichi) = $50 (4) SOLD
Golden Dwarf Moray Eel (8") (Gymnothorax melatremus) = $200 (1)
Catalina Gobies (1") (Lythrypnus dalli) = $50 (4) 2 SOLD
Neon Goby (1") (Gobiosoma oceanops) = $15 (3)
Mauritian Flameback Angel Pair (1.5") (Centropyge acanthops) = $100 (1) SOLD
Pink Skunk Clown Pair (1.5") (Amphiprion perideraion) = $50 (2)
Yellow Candy Hogfish Pair (2") (Bodianus bimaculatus) = $80 (1)
Lyretail Anthias (2'') (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) = $15 (6)
Mappa Puffer (4'') (Arothron Mappa) = $100 (1)
Gold Head Sleeper Goby Pair (1.5''-2'') (Valenciennea strigata) = $40 (1)
Vanderbuilt Chromis (1'') (Chromis Vanderbuilti) = $15 (1)
Blunthead Wrasse (2.5'') ( Thalasomma amblycephalum) = $20 (1)
Mauritius Emperor Angelfish Juv. (5'') (Pomacanthus imperator) = $200 (1)
Bluethroat Triggerfish Pair (4.5') (Xanthichthys auromarginatus) = $75 (2)
Lori Anthias Trio (1''-1.5'') (Pseudoanthias lori) = $100 (2)
Linear Blenny (1.5'') (Escenius Lineatus) = $10 (1) PENDING SALE
More fish to be posted later!!!!!
Clown Angler (2.5") (Antennarius maculatus) = $100 (1)
Smooth Angler (2") (Antennarius commersoni) = $50 (4) 3 SOLD
Polleni Grouper (3") (Cephalopholis polleni) = $60 (1)
Tigertail Coral Beauty (2.5") (Centropyge bispinosa) = $25 (1)
Blue Gudgeon Dartfish (2.5") (Ptereleotris heteroptera) = $10 (2)
Spotted Hawkfish (2") (Cirrhitichthys aprinus) = $10 (1)
Arc Eye Hawkfish (3") (Paracirrhitus arcuatus) = $10 (1)
Twospot maori wrasse (3") (Oxycheilinus bimaculatus) = $20 (1)
Lennardi Wrasse (1.5") (Anampses lennardi) = $600 (1) SOLD
Achilles Tang (3") (Acanthurus achilles) = $200 (2) SOLD
Achilles Tang (5.5") (Acanthurus achilles) = $300 (1) SOLD
Declivis Butterflyfish (2.5") (Chaetodon declivis) = $250 (1) SOLD
Chevron Tang Juvi. (2.5") (Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis) = $150 (1) SOLD
Helfrichi Firefish (2") (Nemateleotris helfrichi) = $50 (4) SOLD
Golden Dwarf Moray Eel (8") (Gymnothorax melatremus) = $200 (1)
Catalina Gobies (1") (Lythrypnus dalli) = $50 (4) 2 SOLD
Neon Goby (1") (Gobiosoma oceanops) = $15 (3)
Mauritian Flameback Angel Pair (1.5") (Centropyge acanthops) = $100 (1) SOLD
Pink Skunk Clown Pair (1.5") (Amphiprion perideraion) = $50 (2)
Yellow Candy Hogfish Pair (2") (Bodianus bimaculatus) = $80 (1)
Lyretail Anthias (2'') (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) = $15 (6)
Mappa Puffer (4'') (Arothron Mappa) = $100 (1)
Gold Head Sleeper Goby Pair (1.5''-2'') (Valenciennea strigata) = $40 (1)
Vanderbuilt Chromis (1'') (Chromis Vanderbuilti) = $15 (1)
Blunthead Wrasse (2.5'') ( Thalasomma amblycephalum) = $20 (1)
Mauritius Emperor Angelfish Juv. (5'') (Pomacanthus imperator) = $200 (1)
Bluethroat Triggerfish Pair (4.5') (Xanthichthys auromarginatus) = $75 (2)
Lori Anthias Trio (1''-1.5'') (Pseudoanthias lori) = $100 (2)
Linear Blenny (1.5'') (Escenius Lineatus) = $10 (1) PENDING SALE
More fish to be posted later!!!!!
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