• Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to our members?

Achilles running out fast!!! Just a few left now. Those who have locked in payments as well as those who have picked yours up yesterday thanks for comming and. GLAD Too see smiles on some familiar faces.! We thrive to make sure all our livestock is as healthy as can bee before we put it out on the floor.

Flame angles in stock .! Lots of them.!

Our frag systems are packed out and have all amazing corals from LPS, SPS, killer shrooms, hammers and torches with some really nice colors.

We also have a nice RAINBOW HAMMER (5-6"wall). This thing has all the colors too be a rainbow. Tints of (purple , yellow, blue, green, orange, gold,) we have it priced at 199$ today's special 145.99$ for our manhattan reef members.

SO PLEASE IF YOU WANT SOME GOOD DEALS COME IN TODAY save some money on your wallet so it wot bite you next time. You wont regret your trip here.!


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