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25 boxes from all over the world just acclimated
hundreds of different anthias - 5 - $75
huge pajama cardinals = $9.99
sohal tangs = $125
yellow hawaiian tang super sale= $16.99
large emperor angel = $130
coral beauty= $16.99
african pygmy angels = $35
large red sponges =$14.99
passer angels = $89.99
firefish goby = $5.99
lg african midas blenny =$19.99
true percula clowns =$24.99 ea
lyre tail anthias, dispar anthias,
powder blue tangs md = $49.99 lg =$69.99
blue tang md = $39.99
desjardin's sailfin = $59.99
ornate fish = $14.99 macropharyngodon ornatus
coral hog fish= $17.99
tropical flounder = $17.99
asfur angel 4 inch magnificent = $69.99
regal angel indian ocean= $49.99 wow !!
Rusty angel = $19.99
black and white henniocus = $49.99
black percula clowns= $17.99 ea
lipstick tangs = $59.99 xl = $89.99
lolipop tang = $49.99
orange shoulder tang = $29.99
striped bristle tooth = $24.99
clown trigger = $89.99 5 inch
adult marble wrasse = $29.99
adult red wrasse =$19.99
temminck's wrasse lg =$39.99
filament , carpenter's orange axil = all just =$19.99 ea
exquisite fairy wrasse = $49.99
copperband butterfly =$29.99
black clarks clowns = $19.99 ea
cherry dottybacks = $39.99
blonde naso tang lg = $79.99
filamented flasher = $19.99
whipfin fairy wrasse = $19.99
tono's fairy wrasse = $39.99

more to come i'm pooped yellow belly blue tangs as a tease
night all

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