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Coral beauty = $19.99
6- carberryi anthias = $19.99 ea
6- flame anthias = $19.99 ea
bi color blenny = $17.99 ea
red spotted sand perch = $14.99
fire fish = $9.99 ea
blonde naso tang = $69.99 ----4"
chevron tang =$ 129.88 ----3 "
clown tang = $79.99 -----4-5 "
kole tang = $29.99 -----3-4 "
naso tang = $39.99 -----3-4 "
orange shoulder = $29.99 -----3-5 "
yellow tangs = $17.99 -----3 "


blue sided fairy $19.99
carpenter's flasher $19.99
hawaiian eightline = $49.99
exquisite wrasse = $24.99
scott's fairy = $69.99 male


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