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I know it's a week away but with the holidays i figured i would give all my peeps a little heads up !!!

Powder blue tang = $49.99
yellow doctor fish - acanthurus - caeruleus = $39.99
lg purple surgeon - acanthurus - xanthopterus = $49.99
dussumieri - eyestripe surgeon = $79.99 md

desjardini sailfin tang = $39.99 md
blonde naso 10-15 cm = $99.99
blonde naso 16-20 cm = $119.99
yellow belly blue hippo = $69.99
blue eye bristle tooth = $29.99

lyretail anthias = $19.99 five for $74.99
carberryi anthias = $19.99 five for $74.99
honeycomb grouper = $ 49.99
midas blenny = $ 24.99
zebra goby = $ 9.99

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