Snapped this shot this pic about a week ago. Normally both of my harlequins are together but one of them ran off with the remaining leg of the starfish!, so only one is in the pic.
Wow neat pic. You don't have a problem with your coral banded attaching the harlequins? I was thinking about getting a couple, but I am afraid that my coral banded will attach them.
I have never had any problems with the compatibility of my shrimp. I have 1 pistol shrimp, 1 coral banded, pair of harlequins, 3 scarlet cleaner shrimp, 1 blood shrimp, 2 camelback shrimp.
I feed my harlequins a medium sized chocolate chip starfish every 2 weeks. They finish it in about 5 days on average...and I mean they eat EVERYTHING (no remains). My coral banded is not aggressive towards the other shrimp. But he seems grumpy all the time. :x