Hey, Waz- nice! And happy birthday to your tank! You know what you need? Some of my Red Sea Xenia. It will fill up all that rockspace in about 2 weeks. :roll:
Hey, how long have you had your torch? I had one for about 2 years or so, and it eventually receded and died on me.
It's been over 6 months on the Torch tt has been growing so I feel good about it. I also have a hammer and frogspawn that have been growing for close to 18 months. I had some Xenia it got killed during a rockslide during my resacping that was done in September. I'm keeping the number of corals I have to 30 or less so I can have some big colonies in time.
The red sea is the nicer type. Going from madison to Indi I would use a heat pack or more and packing peanuts for added insulation. If Xenia orices are like what they are around hear you might be better off buying it local than paying the shipping. Just a thought.
Yes, the chemical heat pax taped to the lid of the box are the way to go. If you need more info, let me know (I'm writing an article on shipping for the hobbyist right now).
I'll take some info, sm! Honestly, the only thing I've ever mailed coral-wise was mushrooms. I just put free-floating shrooms in old film containers and mailed them 2-day ground in the summer. Worked fine.
I'm more worried about xenia in the winter. Should I send them free-floating, or attached to a rock first? If I send them with rock, won't they get pretty battered up?
Ya winter might be a hassle. I forgot that it's 9F outside right now. ;-) Summer would be easier and cheaper on the shipping, that's fer sure! (And maybe I'll have something to trade by then! I'm about to try fragging a small piece of my leather coral here shortly, I think.)
Go for it. Leathers are easy. Get a sharp razor blade and cut off a piece. I like to lightly rubberband mine down. I found that glue does not work well for me. Two of my leathers are big enought that they drop pieces all of the time. The branching in the bottom right and the deval's hand in the center. If either of you are interested let me know. I would also be willing to frag the green capanella if either of you would like a piece come spring time.
Sure, count me in as soon as the weather warms up enough to ship w/o heat packs and stuff.
I've been kicking around the idea of looking for a nice colt coral as well. I haven't had one in several years, but the last one went from a sprig to a froikin' tree in a couple years. Finally sold it when I moved. They're not terribly colorful, but are nice and pretty hardy.