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Hey guys thought I'd start asking around.

We are looking for a new digital cameral. Currently we have a Canon Elphs S300. I love the small factor of this camera. It has 2.1 Mega Pixels and only a 128M flash card capacity. ( I Have multiple cards). It takes great daytime outdoor pictures but inside the house or night it is not too good.

The macro function and night function on this camera STINKS!!!!!

We would like to get another small form factor camera.

Whats out there thats good. May make it a Christmas present for my wife. We are expecting our first child in Febuary and allot of pictures will be taken after that.

Also anyone know much about small ddecent video cameras?
Mercedes W125


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I must warn you any small camera will have crappy night photos. Small cameras = small lens and small sensors. This adds up to grainy, unresolved night/dark photography. (hope you liked my math lesson :P). The same is generally true of macro photos.

If you like the S300, try a S400 (last year's model) or S500 .... 4 and 5 megapixels respectively. They will still be lacking in terms of night and macro. If macro is your target and you don't mind a slightly larger size, a Nikon 4800 or 5200 would be my picks. Nothing does macro like Nikon (Nikkor Japan is big on microphotography).


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I've owned a few different models of Nikon digicam and I must say, I always got the best pix out of those cameras (compared to FujiPix, Canon, Olympus brands I've owned). It's been a world of difference and I can't wait to junk my Fujipix and get the newest model Nikon that I can afford =)


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Jay, I think your camera is similar to mine. Yours has more megapixels though. I do not like the macro function of my canon so I don't know how much better the G2 would be.

It looks like Nikon os the way to go, now to figure out which one.
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