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bad coffee

Inept at life.
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Go with any of the basic DSLR's. I shoot Canon, Jhale shoots Nikon, Ellebelle shoots Pentax. The camera doesn't 'make' the shot, the photographer does.

I suggest you borrow a camera for a day, and shoot with it. When I was buying my first 35mm camera, I tried out a Nikon and a Canon. The Canon just felt better to me.

Check www.bhphotovideo.com for ballpark prices on what you want, then check around for the best prices. I find B&H will usually have really close to the best price.



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Its actually more user/lens based. Your going to accomplish what your trying to shoot quicker with a better lens giving you more time to play and less on focusing on lense limitations. And because the nikon/canon have different menues and button layouts its really whats more comfortable to you on getting to what you want quicker and easier. Your going to see a bigger difference on lense quality/price than you will between camera bodies. The higher priced bodies give quicker speeds and more options to change on the fly that you most likely won't use nano.

I wouldn't spend the money on the M3 canon models or the M2 models for what your shooting, and the T1i is comparatively equal to the M2 models at half the price. And the T1i shoots video. D90 is really affordable now at 800$, d300 is at 1200-1300$ and the D300s is at 1700$ for the nikons. You would be more than happy with what your getting with the D90.

I think the bigger question is why not a point and shoot? There are alot out there for the same price your shooting for that can do the macro shots of the tank or everyday shots with great quality minus the hassle of carrying a big bulky camera and maybe an extra lense or two.
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Fish and Coral Killer
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Go to B&H in the City and play around with all the DSLR bodies, find one you like to hold, how it operates, and the on-screen menus. I have Canon's because I didn't like where the on-off switch location on the Nikon. $1,000 will get you started nicely with an entry level body, ok tripod and a small bag for your camera. FWIW, few new pro lenses will cost more than a decent used car.


Live Sale Pioneer
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Well guys i went with the Canon Rebel XSi. Very happy with it thus far. Only had it for a few hours but I'm liking what I'm getting with it so far. Here's a shot from today.

Big thanks to Tony! Appreciate all the advice and help:D



Advanced Reefer
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my quaker hates everyone except for my mom when it's around my other bird, a lovebird.

the thing is that it only gets really protective and super aggressive when it's near the lovebird. my mom is the only one that can get close to the two of them when they're together. otherwise, it's pretty friendly.


Experienced Reefer
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I have the 400d,if your new camera is as good as i have found this one to be,which no doubt it will be and better,then you will be more than happy enough.Cool camera,enjoy.

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