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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Im setting up a 120 gallon reef ready tank (4X2X2). 1 corner overflow with a mag drive 9.5 return, 1" drain & 3/4" return. Im getting lots of bubbles coming down the drain, also very noisy. I have pvc with 1 elbow going into soft tubing going into filter sock - No livestock or rock in tank, Im just testing with fresh water first. Need some advice on this one as this is my first RR tank. Thanks.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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Where is the noise coming from? down pipe or return? If down pipe, is it a durso pipe? If not, check out this site. http://www.dursostandpipes.com/.

As for bubbles, I'm guessing your not running a skimmer yet so that's out. In your sump, do you see bubbles in the chamber with your mag drive? Does your mag drive have a sponge on it! Are there any restrictions or back pressure places in your return line? Is it a lock line return pipe?

Pics would help us..


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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No P/S yet still freshwater. I am using a locline in the return (side question - should I drill a hole in the locline to break the suction as the locline is moveable? - I almost overflowed the sump). The bubbles are coming out of the drain/soft tubing into the filter sock. I removed the sock & the bubbles are large - not micro bubbles but dont make it past the next chamber or back to the tank. If I take off the foam cover for the return pump then I get bubbles in the DT. This however is due to the design of the sump - the spill over from the fuge goes right onto the mag drive - no difference in flow with foam on or off. I dont think I have a durso; its a standard pvc pipe with a U on the top going into the water and an inch or 2 higher is a cap with a hole on top. The hole is apx. 2-3 inches below the tank top. Sorry to sound so lame but Ive had a HOB-OF my whole time in saltwater.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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At work now, never posted pics before - Ill see if I can figure out tonite. Picked up tank from MR member, tank was pretty much broken down for me. but I used same setup/plumbing config w/new bulkheads etc. It should be hooked up correctly. Richie, Ill pm you w/my # & maybe can figure out over phone.


Mt Sinai, NY
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If the pump is too strong, it will make too much water go down the drain and push the air with it.. if the drain exits under water in the sump u get the big gurgling bubbles.. does it go away if u lift the exit slightly above the water in the sump?

Also, if u pulling a siphon on the return when off, u might have to drill a small hold before the linelock

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I have a ball valve on the return - throttled it down but still bubbles. The soft tubing is above the waterline of the sump so that shouldnt be an issue. Some micro bubbles in DT but less when throttled down - I guess due to less water going into tank.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Problem solved. Turns out the return pump was too strong so I throttled it back a little more & that helped, moved the skimmers return away from the bubble trap and put a filter sock over the skimmers return to lessen the micro bubbles & turned the return pump away from the spillover from the previous chamber. No more bubbles. Much easier with my HOB-OF but I'm happy with the new system. Thanks Richie (rkaragozler) for helping me out - now I know why they call you the "fish doctor".

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