I have a 120 gallon reef tank. The back wall, over the last two years, has become coated with a thick mat of algae. For no given reason, I suppose except finally decided it had gotten unsightly, I decided to brush it off. I was surprised to see a lot of residue come off the back wall along with the algae. My fish, all of a sudden, huddled all together in one corner of the tank. I thought they were panicking and stopped cleaning after doing about 25% of the back wall. Whithin a couple hours a recently purchased Bird Wrasse and a two year old Hippo Blue Tang were dead and my Melanurus Wrasse, Clarki Clown and a Blue Fin Damsel were very lethargic. My pajama cardinals and my Yellow Tang were hiding.
No further fatalities the day after the incident. What happened?
Water is tested weekly and I change 30 gallons every two weeks.
No further fatalities the day after the incident. What happened?
Water is tested weekly and I change 30 gallons every two weeks.