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All my corals look great (easy stuff, colts, polyps, leathers etc.) but I would like to enter the world of SPS (I have MH lighting) soon and know the calcium and alkalinity are crucial. I add the suggested dose daily and my calcium is in the mid 400's and the alkalinity was at suggested level (dont remember exact #, tested a couple weeks ago). And hate the tests for these two paramaters because im waiting for color to change and its never a concrete change but gradual over a couple drops (I use instant ocean).

Overall should I add Kalwassar or is my additives enough? I noticed my ph a bit high sometimes measuring 8.6 or 8.8. Should I add a ph buffer, I have the product by seachem.



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Don't add anything you don't test for. Get exact numbers and post them please.


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MY calcium is at 525 and alkalinity at 5. My ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are undetectable. My salinity is 1.022. PH is 8.4-8.8. Im dosing tank with the b-ionic 2 part system daily at 1 ml every 4 gallons as suggested. I do a small water change (5-10 gallons every couple weeks).

All my corals are growing, look great and spreading (diff colored shrooms,colt, spaghetti leather, xenia, polyps) along with 3 tangs a maroon clown, and an algae blenny, in my 100 gallon tank.

I have metal halide lighting 2x150 MH and 2X96 PC ODYSSEA brand, hang on refugium, coralife skimmer and sump with chiller,UV and heater

I think I got all necessary info


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Have you changed the Odysea in anyway, like upgraded it? Or is it factory standard. How long have you had it?


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FACTORY STANDARD,I heard the horror stories but had it for about 5 months and have nothing but good things to say about it! But would be open to modifications to better it


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Ok you didn't test your alk and it is low should be at 10. (That is assuming your not using some other units and way off)

NEVER use a PH buffer . (will ruin your tank)
You need to slowly fix your alk.
Dont dose that stuff unless you test and it needs it. For instance your calc is 525 you should not be adding calc for a week or two I am betting.

You have to test and wait till it drops.

Use RO top-off and test your water. When the levels are low that is when you use top-off like kalk or your two part.
Calc/Alk generally balance. Meaning one i high the other is low. Not always but this is common.

I am no expert but reefcentral has some great articles in the chemiistry forum.


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My alkalinity is actually high at 5 mEq/L, the recommended is from 2.5-4. I believe your referring to DKH which 7-10 is recommended.

Im gonna stop dosing till both are in better ranges

What does Kalwassar helpwith, or do these supplements do the same thing?


OG of this here reef game
Marine Park
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2 part does the same thing but in a more exact manner. The "potency" of your kalk water will very greatly whereas your two part will remain constant. 10ml is always 10ml whereas 10ml of kalk can be all over the place in terms of alk / calcium.

You also want to pick that salinity up a little higher if you're going the sps route. Do it slowly as you do your water changes.
Howell, NJ
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you also need to check your magnesium to make sure its in the range (1300-1400) which will allow both alk and calcium to equalize when they come down in value and then you start dosing what you need to dose daily of both parts........

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