Just wondering if anybody out there has a snowflake eel, cause I had a few questions about mine. He started small, 9" or so, and has grown to about 11-13" now. In the beginning he was eating freeze dried krill and loving it. After a while, he stopped eating that and took out a snail. Then he started to eat regular frozen krill shrimp, but he has now stopped eating that too. Now I have moved to the frozen pieces of lark fish, but he never takes it off the feeding prong anymore- almost seems as though hes afraid of it. So I drop it in the tank usually after about 10 minutes of waving it in front of his face and 50% of the time my 5" Domino damsels get it before he can (BTW - this is a 125g aggressive fish only tank- not a reef, im cheating asking the questions here). Can anybody tell me what they feed theirs and how? I want him to be healthy and get big, fast!