I have a 75 gallon fish only tank with a Tang, 2 False perculas and a threadfin buttery. I'd like to add a long nose butterfly. Do the experts think they'll get along ok?
IMO it's always tough to predict how two individual fish will react to each other so that's a difficult question. Personally I've never tried mixing those two species.
Both the Threadfin Butterflyfish (Chaetodon auriga) and the Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish (Forcipiger flavissimus) are good choices for aquarium fish and it's certainly possible that there will be no issues between them.
OTOH, Threadfins can be on the aggressive side (toward other butterflyfish) and yours is already established in the tank. IMO it really depends on that particular fish.
Thanks for your reply! My threadfin is still small - 3 inches max. In fact, I was worried that he was too small (not quite 2 inches) when I bought him but he's growing and doing fine. I was thinking that perhaps, because he was still young, if I got a long-nose who was larger that him it might cancel out the possible aggressiveness. That could be just wishful thinking though!
I went back o the store and they had sold the long nose butterfly. However, they had a beautiful lnog-finned banner ( or schooling banner - it's really difficult to tell) and I bought him. he's in my quarantine tank and eating extremely well and looking good. My plan is to keep him in quarantine for about three weeks and then introduce hime into my main tank. They're very peaceful so I don't think I'll have any problem but I'll keep you posted. I still want a long-nose though!
Hello again Toni, I discovered last night that a Longnose is not Invert safe.
Last night my butterfly was tearing apart my star fish, to the point I don't think he will recover.
He was my favorite fish, but I am not keeping him. I have lots of Invert. Hope this info help's.