I am looking into getting a flame hawkfish for my FOWLR tank and was wondering if introducing this fish might be a death sentence to my cleaner shrimp or possibly snails as well? Also any comments on sixline wrasses would be great too! Thanx
Death to your cleaner a likely possibility. 6lines are great. Occassionally you will get an over aggressive 6line, but they are usually pretty docile and love cruising the tank...they are also hardy fish
6lines gobble up pods pretty fast and sometimes they jump but otherwise they are very nice.
i have a hawk and it eats every shrimp and some hermits. it is okay with my snails but i hear some people say they are not safe with them so be prepared for the chance it will eat them too.
I've got a flame who's great with my corals and snails and hermits. When I put a cleaner shrimp in there though, it soon dissapeared. So go for it I say (if you don't mind losing the shrimp) flame hawks are so 8)