If I remember right some corals like tank's of a larger size. So if I'm right, what might those corals be that will not like or grow to maturity in my 33gal?
hard corals don't have sensor that let them tell how big your tank is. The reason larger tank is "recommanded" is because it is more stable (water parameter-wise), and you don't need to worry about pruning the twig too often if it get too tall.
All corals will grow to sexual maturity in nearly any size tank. A polyp is almost always very small, so a single polyp that is sexually mature is considered a mature coral Of course, certain corals need larger tanks to take on the shape we're familiar with. For example, "Table Acroporas" will need a larger tank to form that table look. But there aren't any corals that won't grow to maturity in your 33 gallon.
lol nice way to put me in place for my terminology. I guess what I meant was what coral will grow to the size/shape we have all come to know and love in my little 33 gal tank.
Yep, a 33 gallon is plenty big for all corals to exhibit their natural shape. Size might be limited for some corals (most corals will actually outgrow a 33 gallon if you don't regularly prune them), but your tank is plenty large for corals take take natural form.