O.K. I don't want to scare anybody...I'm probably asking this question too soon (I have the Conscientious book and the Aquarist Encyclopedia coming), I also have been reading forums, phamplets, and catalogs. I'm going one step at a time. First, the stand and canapy, a furniture thing; next, pre-drilled 180. I am usually a quick learner but this hobby is intense. Are you asleep yet? Lots of background. Now I like the idea of raising Phyto and macro and micro algae for a reef tank. So, (yes, I really have a question) about filtration...the wet/dry method, mud method, live sand method, as well as, using a sterilizer, sump, etc...O.K I'm going crazy. I would like to use some of these methods togeather; but, I don't want to fight myself in the process. I'm looking for some seasoned advice because this thing cost as much as a used car...I'm talking a recent model!!! I have salt experience from years ago. That is about as useful as being from Mars. HELP ME PLEASE!@#$%