Well, not really. We noticed it went back in the rock work. It would just lay there all balled up. So, being the positive people we are, we brought it out hoping it would recover, we noticed its foot and we put it on a rock and it would attach by a thread. It would stay there then the next morning we would find him back in the rock work.
All day yesterday, it wasn't looking good. I don't know if it was dead. There was no movement and it was not sticky. I was worried that it might release its toxins before it died, so I flushed it down the toilet.
I am sorry if I offend anyone, but we did lots of research to find out what was wrong with the poor guy and could not find anything. All we read was if it dies, it could release toxins and all the fish may die.
I would love to know what had gone wrong with condy. I think as you said his foot got torn. Maybe he would have survived, but maybe not. I feel terrible, but I felt I was potentially saving other lives.
Please if you find anything, let me know. I will be doing more research today. Maybe I will get lucky and I will post my findings to help others.
Thank you,