This is my first post. I usually just read and try to learn.
I have recently started a new tank. It is a 65 display with a 29 refugium. My goal is to have a thriving reef with a mating pair of Mandarins fed off the tank.
A little history:
I started this venture about a year ago. I had only ever done freshwater planted tanks .... until my fiance's cat turned my heater up and poached all my fish!
The new system was supposed to be completely enclosed. Nothing that the cat can get into. It started with the cabinet and the 29 gallon tank. It has 3 compartments. The first is 4 inches wide and is completely full of ReeFresH2O bio balls. The second is a mud filter full of Cheato and finally the 6 inch wide pump section. This was run in closed loop for a couple months while I worked on building up a culture of rotifiers, copepods and mysids. The culture was started in mason jars and then transfered to the fuge. The water in the refugium was a very light greenwater. It was absulutely loaded with critters! All water tests were normal.
I added a top tank. It's an AGA reef ready. I modified the overflow for more flow and added a pump and squid to the pocket. It's tight, but it's awsome! Amazingly simple. The biggest problem I have is blowing sand. I stacked about 60 pounds of dry rock and added a couple inches of arogonite sand.
The 2 tanks were connected, the pumps were all turned on and the entire system came to life. Within 24 hours I had an even spread of critters in both tanks. I still have no algae bloom and ZERO ammonia, nitrates or nitrites. I added a peppermint shrimp, an emerald crap and a flame scallop. Everything was great for 2 weeks.
One week ago recieved my startup order from Garf! It consisted of Grunge, Muck, a soft coral pack and cleaners. First the Muck, its a mud activator. I poured it in and immediately noticed some odd things. Worms were broken and dead. Next comes the Grunge... Same deal, more dead stuff. I only added about a pound of the stuff. I was concerned. Next cleaners... they were all over the place. Very active. Finally the soft corals. I just lined up the plugs on the top of an arch for the night. the tank was so cloudy I couldn't do anything else. I left the remaining Grunge in the bag and put it in the corner of the distplay tank.
The next morning the tank looked as bad as the night before. I was still not able to see any of my rocks. Also, every parameter had spiked. Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite were all in the danger level. I was also very worried about the corals eating dust! I modified a 5 micro bag filter into a catch bag and started filtering all this crap out of the water. within about 4 hours it was very clear. Most of the rocks had a fine layer of dust on them. I also fired up the skimmer for the first time. The skimmer was going NUTS. I order an overnight delivery of marine Bio-Spira. That had no effect. I added a second skimmer plus my old canister with carbon, ammonia and nitrate absorbers. The levels are TOXIC! Everything is dying. I have 4 coral plugs are completely dead. My emerald crab is missing. Snails are dying. All of my critters are gone. It is tuning into a waste land. Yesterday did a 30 gallon water change. No change in water parameters.
Leroy from Garf thinks that the box got frozen. I don't think so, the water was in the low 60's when it came in. I seriously think it was dropped, kicked, thrown and bounced to my house! The corals were very damaged.
I don't know what to do other than just let it die! I am very upset!
Dan Rhyne
I have recently started a new tank. It is a 65 display with a 29 refugium. My goal is to have a thriving reef with a mating pair of Mandarins fed off the tank.
A little history:
I started this venture about a year ago. I had only ever done freshwater planted tanks .... until my fiance's cat turned my heater up and poached all my fish!
The new system was supposed to be completely enclosed. Nothing that the cat can get into. It started with the cabinet and the 29 gallon tank. It has 3 compartments. The first is 4 inches wide and is completely full of ReeFresH2O bio balls. The second is a mud filter full of Cheato and finally the 6 inch wide pump section. This was run in closed loop for a couple months while I worked on building up a culture of rotifiers, copepods and mysids. The culture was started in mason jars and then transfered to the fuge. The water in the refugium was a very light greenwater. It was absulutely loaded with critters! All water tests were normal.
I added a top tank. It's an AGA reef ready. I modified the overflow for more flow and added a pump and squid to the pocket. It's tight, but it's awsome! Amazingly simple. The biggest problem I have is blowing sand. I stacked about 60 pounds of dry rock and added a couple inches of arogonite sand.
The 2 tanks were connected, the pumps were all turned on and the entire system came to life. Within 24 hours I had an even spread of critters in both tanks. I still have no algae bloom and ZERO ammonia, nitrates or nitrites. I added a peppermint shrimp, an emerald crap and a flame scallop. Everything was great for 2 weeks.
One week ago recieved my startup order from Garf! It consisted of Grunge, Muck, a soft coral pack and cleaners. First the Muck, its a mud activator. I poured it in and immediately noticed some odd things. Worms were broken and dead. Next comes the Grunge... Same deal, more dead stuff. I only added about a pound of the stuff. I was concerned. Next cleaners... they were all over the place. Very active. Finally the soft corals. I just lined up the plugs on the top of an arch for the night. the tank was so cloudy I couldn't do anything else. I left the remaining Grunge in the bag and put it in the corner of the distplay tank.
The next morning the tank looked as bad as the night before. I was still not able to see any of my rocks. Also, every parameter had spiked. Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite were all in the danger level. I was also very worried about the corals eating dust! I modified a 5 micro bag filter into a catch bag and started filtering all this crap out of the water. within about 4 hours it was very clear. Most of the rocks had a fine layer of dust on them. I also fired up the skimmer for the first time. The skimmer was going NUTS. I order an overnight delivery of marine Bio-Spira. That had no effect. I added a second skimmer plus my old canister with carbon, ammonia and nitrate absorbers. The levels are TOXIC! Everything is dying. I have 4 coral plugs are completely dead. My emerald crab is missing. Snails are dying. All of my critters are gone. It is tuning into a waste land. Yesterday did a 30 gallon water change. No change in water parameters.
Leroy from Garf thinks that the box got frozen. I don't think so, the water was in the low 60's when it came in. I seriously think it was dropped, kicked, thrown and bounced to my house! The corals were very damaged.
I don't know what to do other than just let it die! I am very upset!
Dan Rhyne