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so my uncle(my new favorite uncle :lol: ) just gave me his old 120 gallon tank and im pretty excited this is my first project and i want to make sure i do it right he told me patience so im taking it slow. so heres a list of what i got, fill me in on what i should get/change;

120g w/overflow = 24" x 25 1/4" x 48"
Base = 25" x 28" x 48 3/4"
Hood = 25 1/4" x 20" x 49 3/4"

Here are some other items:

2 9.5 pumps that go in the sump. Not sure of the brand, but the model number is E160713
2 icecap fans in the hood
1 icecap electronic fluorescent ballast
4 36" VHO bulbs
1 CPR BAK PAK2 protein skimmer
40 gallon sump
Some dead rock, but which would become "live rock" after getting colonated by stuff on neighboring live rock im am told.

what im thinking i want is mostly coral and some fish(5ish?) and few inverts. im open to suggestions and observations and advice! thanks


Advanced Reefer
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Nice gift!

The pumps you got probably are Mag 9.5.

I'd swap the 36" bulbs for 48" VHOs. Your Icecap (if it's model 660) will run 48" just fine. If you're planning on keeping corals, I'd use the VHOs strictly for actinic lighting and add two 250W metal halides as your main lights. The VHOs will be ok for lower light corals, but you need more light for a lot of corals.

Other thing to change is your skimmer. That CPR is way too undersized. There are a lot of skimmers on the market now with wildly different price ranges. Expect at least $200-300 for a high quality one (sky's the limit after that).


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ok thanks. a friend of mine gave me one of his old skimmers and its big enough for the tank all i need is a pump for it. hopefully i should have water running in it by wednesday. i currently trying to organize everything under the tank before i put it on the stand cause its goin to be tight.


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Good luck with your new tank.

Post some pics once you get it up and running.


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