http://s165.photobucket.com/albums/u62/ ... =tank3.flv
All criticism is welcome!
Picked up a good amount of stuff from a local guy. He was really nice and gave me a great deal I think.
Having some siphon issues..I'm afraid to leave the house because if the overflow stops working.. im going to have a little overflow in the tank. I have the pump set up so its close to the top of the sump water so not alot will over flow. I cant lower the tank level any more because the overflow doesnt adjust and its as low as it goes and barely enough or possibly not enough considering it wont' siphon. The crappy part is until I fix the siphon, it has to rely on the aqualifter.
Also, I dont know if anyone here can tell but, the tank is really bubbly. Lots of little bubbles throughout. I dont have any live rock in my sump yet so that may break up some of it? Shoudl I put some sort of filter on the pickup for the external pump?
I am drawing air in from the overflow where it sits at the top of the tank water. There are ridges cut into it so that water can flow in. Im watching air be sucked in from there and its fighting my aqualifter. Is my sump to high? If you pause the video at 28 seconds you can see the top edge of the overflow box is filled with the air.