I am preparing to purchase equipment to set-up a nano reef aquarium. Though not new to the hobby I have been spending the last few weeks reading books and crawling the various forums mostly to get updated on technology and techniques new to the hobby over the past 20 years or so
. Wow there have been a few! So far my equipment list is as follows (SEE BELOW.) I am looking for feedback, i.e. am I missing something? And so on. Obviously I am not listing things such as live rock, live sand, salt and so on. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
1. JBJ 28 Gallon Nano Cube Quad PowerCompact Bulb Aquarium w/MTS-60 Cabinet Stand
2. JBJ Digi-Temp 2 External Digital Thermometer w/ Probe (Battery Operated)
3. Hanna Instruments Digital Seawater Refractometer
4. JBJ Mini-Arctica Chiller w/ Digital Controller 1/15HP
5. JBJ Nano & Mini Arctica Chiller Installation Kit
6. AquaC Remora Protein Skimmer with Maxi-Jet 1200 Pump
7. Jager 150 W Heater 13 inch
8. Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Reef Master Test Kit
1. JBJ 28 Gallon Nano Cube Quad PowerCompact Bulb Aquarium w/MTS-60 Cabinet Stand
2. JBJ Digi-Temp 2 External Digital Thermometer w/ Probe (Battery Operated)
3. Hanna Instruments Digital Seawater Refractometer
4. JBJ Mini-Arctica Chiller w/ Digital Controller 1/15HP
5. JBJ Nano & Mini Arctica Chiller Installation Kit
6. AquaC Remora Protein Skimmer with Maxi-Jet 1200 Pump
7. Jager 150 W Heater 13 inch
8. Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Reef Master Test Kit