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Advanced Reefer
Ronkonkoma, NY
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That is a pretty tricky question. If you want to kill keep parasites off I would say you need to be 1.009. Fish will live at this number for awhile. This is just my opinion but I keep all my fish at 1.023-1026 and that is where they are the healtiest. I have been in this hobby a long time and have tried 1.016 to 1.019 and think it is just a myth. Think about it, if your fish are in the correct salinity there immune system is in better shape and they actually can fight off a parasite infection but when the salt level is not where it is supposed to be it does effect there ability to use oxygen and fight off disease. Again just an opinion and what has worked for me


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Thank you for your responses. Sad that 49 dopes (like me) checked in and were not able to answer...

Not necessarily dopes!:tongue1: Some saw that you had already been replied to with the correct answer, so kept on going.
And you could have done a search, and found that this ? was asked last week by another member.LOL


Chief of the Tang Police
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I'm with Andy. In my experience, I have seen fish kept at 1.009 and they do well. But you also need to consider how well fish do in a healthy stable reef tank at higher salinities that mirror the wild. It's my belief that healthy fish are less likely to contract something regardless of the salinity they are kept in. I've also seen parasites on fish even when kept at the lower salinities, so in essence there is no real "proper" salinity other than the one you choose to keep your fish at. Just make sure you keep everything constant and the fish should be fine.


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keep the salinity at 1.020-1.025, just quarantine your fish before introducing them to the main tank. Saves alot of problems. Low salinity is bad for marine fish. Pet Stores keep it at 1.015 to reduce parasites beacuse they restock on a weekly basis, don't do it at home.

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