Anthia Freak!
- Location
- Jamaica, Queens
My tanks having a horribly bad hair day! I haven't kept up w/ the husbandry needed to keep it up ever since I started my last sememster of nursing school this august. So now I'm faced w/ a battle of hair and cyano algae. All spots of the rock that can touch light pretty much have algae on it.
Tank specs:
90G w overflow
RODI Captive Purity 3 stage 75G
Mag 9 for return also powering UV
30G sump
2 TLF reactors running GFO and Phosban
ASM-G1s w/ Sedra 3500
2 Koralia 3s, 1 Koralia 2 for flow
Current 150W MH w 14k Phoenix bulbs. Bulbs are as old as the Spring swap
About 150#s of live rock and 1/2 inch of Live sand. All from previous owner.
5 fish 2 clowns, Hippo Tang, Anthia, 6line
4 shrimp 2 cleaner, 1 peppermint, 1 blood
3 starfish. sand sifter, serpentine, blue lankia? sp?
Feed tank twice a day:
Pelets for fish, a pinch
2 small size frozen cubes of homemade stuff for coral
frozen krill, brine shrimp all rinsed in RODI then blended w/ couple drops of Kent Zoecon and package of the frozen red package stuff forgot the name.
I was told that I might get an algae bloom from using his old sand, and I guess they were right. I've done all the usual stuff: Change filters in RODI, water change every week w a big one once a month, turn lights of for a few days, Siphon then siphon again after a few days then do water change, run phosban.
So my questions are:
What are my options as far as keeping the system as it currently is?
Chemicals, more water changes
Can I get rid of all the rock and sand and start over w/o having to have my corals be babysat while the tank reestablishes? Different variations of, such as keep rock take sand out.
Pics are in my tank link. Just picture it w/ a bunch of green hair LOL
Let me know what you think.
Responses Appreciated. Thanks in advance
Tank specs:
90G w overflow
RODI Captive Purity 3 stage 75G
Mag 9 for return also powering UV
30G sump
2 TLF reactors running GFO and Phosban
ASM-G1s w/ Sedra 3500
2 Koralia 3s, 1 Koralia 2 for flow
Current 150W MH w 14k Phoenix bulbs. Bulbs are as old as the Spring swap
About 150#s of live rock and 1/2 inch of Live sand. All from previous owner.
5 fish 2 clowns, Hippo Tang, Anthia, 6line
4 shrimp 2 cleaner, 1 peppermint, 1 blood
3 starfish. sand sifter, serpentine, blue lankia? sp?
Feed tank twice a day:
Pelets for fish, a pinch
2 small size frozen cubes of homemade stuff for coral
frozen krill, brine shrimp all rinsed in RODI then blended w/ couple drops of Kent Zoecon and package of the frozen red package stuff forgot the name.
I was told that I might get an algae bloom from using his old sand, and I guess they were right. I've done all the usual stuff: Change filters in RODI, water change every week w a big one once a month, turn lights of for a few days, Siphon then siphon again after a few days then do water change, run phosban.
So my questions are:
What are my options as far as keeping the system as it currently is?
Chemicals, more water changes
Can I get rid of all the rock and sand and start over w/o having to have my corals be babysat while the tank reestablishes? Different variations of, such as keep rock take sand out.
Pics are in my tank link. Just picture it w/ a bunch of green hair LOL
Let me know what you think.
Responses Appreciated. Thanks in advance