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3 day ago my rbta regurgitated a piece of silverside from the night before, then kinda closed up, refusing to open even for my clown fish. I came home last night to find that it had split. One was in the original location but the other had made its way under a rock, out of direct flow and direct light. It is still in that position tonight. Is this normal behavior? How long should this last? How long does the mouth take to develop?

I have three clowns, one saddleback, two percs. All three were competing for the one rbta. How do I redirect the two percs to the second anemone?
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Barnum Island
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Mine split into 3 a few months ago and one of them stayed hidden in the corner for easily 5 or 6 weeks to the point it was much lighter in color than the other. I would drop mysis over it and it ate from the beginning as well. It has recently begun to stay out higher up and has colored back up nicely.

The 2nd one came out immediately and began to eat.

Try and drop a small amount of fine food near it and see if it takes any, if not try again a few days later.

..and as Randy said ..when it's ready :)


Cherry Collector
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Hey Nigel im happy to see my RBTA had split on you so quick:) Yes its a normal behavior for them to go into shade and away from flow. mine did it all the time. it should come out 4-5 days into light and little flow.

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