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Hi guys/gals

I'm a new guy on this forum, so it will be nice to introduce myself- HI EVERYBODY:)
First thing I would like to say is that everybody here should get a free for this great forum. I've been steered here by DHaunt (thanks) and I'm happy I registered. I was quite amazed how many people keep reef tanks here in NY.

Second- I am a total newbie when it comes to reef tanks and SW in general, but I have some experience in the freshwater side of the hobby, especially planted tanks. I currently keep a 75g discus planted tank (here's a link to the journal if anyone's interested http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/t...39-smoqs-75g-planted-tank-journal-update.html).
I've been reading a lot about reef tanks recently and after a long debate I am almost sure what to get. I considered getting a biocube 14g, but I didn't like the amount of necessary mods I would have to perform and PC lighting is a thing of the past IMO. Then I thought about getting drsfostersmith ecocube (25g version of current solana) but I think I will go with my own setup, not an AIO. Here's what I am planning and have questions about:

-tank will be a rimless 18x18x18" 25g cube that from greenleafaquariums.com stock- I spoke with the owner and he said the'll be stocking them soon
-stand- I would like to build one myself, but I think I won't have time so I'll probably get a solana stand (will it hold a 5g topoff tank in the lower shelf?)
-filtration is my biggest issue- I don't have any experience with sumps and I am a little afraid of them flooding my neighbors) so I thought about a DIY refugium out of AC70 or one of the aquafuge refugiums (which one would you prefer?); I also have an eheim 2213 canister filter lying around that I can use as a filter-floss and chemical media filter, will it be a good idea?
Or do you have any other options?
-lighting- well, a 20" 150 MH lighting would fit perfectly, but my apartment gets pretty hot during the winter and summer (it's around 80F now) and I'm afraid I'll cook my reef, so I consider a T5 light instead. My options are catalinaaquarium.com 4x24W light that is 24" or nova extreme pro which has 6x18W lights and is 20" Which one would you choose? If you don't know catalina, I swear by them, great fixture with single reflectors and great ballast- but it's 24" and the tank is 18" (I will hang it on a rail though)
-powerhead- I was thinking two koralias nano, but maybe I'll toss money for a vortech mp10 (this hobby is EXPENSIVE) I still don't know
-fish- I would like a 6 line wrasse (I always wanted this guy) but to satisfy my fiancee (and get a permission to keep another tank:)) I'll have to buy her a clownfish- a little cliche, I know, but I kind of like this fish too- so what do you think about a pair of clownfish and 6 line or one small goby,sixline and one clown?
-cleanupcrew- I haven't decided yet, so any suggestions are welcomed:)
-corals- I aim at some lower light sps, zoas and alike
-skimmer- do I need one or can I add one later
-RO/DI unit- I have no idea which one to get- I'd like an inexpensive one (I don't need a high WPD rate) that I could mount under the sink and use for drinking as well
-auto top off- I did some search and found the one from autotopoff.com quite interesting- are they any good

I have much more questions, but I don't want to bore you to death:) I am open on any comments, criticism and so on and I appreciate any replies.

I'm also open on any deals if you happen to have anything on sale (I will post in WTB section in nearest future too). My list is as follows:
-live rock (when I'll have equipment)
-refractometer, RO/DI unit, other small EQ I forgot to mention
-refugium/hob filter
-pump, especially vortech MP10

Thanks for all comments and sorry for a long thread


Bay Ridge, BK
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Hey, welcome to MR and welcome to reefing in Bay Ridge :) . I am away now but when I get back you are more than welcome to come check out my setup. It is very simple but perhaps it can give you an idea of where to start. Let me know. I hopefully will talk to you in person but I will give you some general advice that you will hear over and over (for good reason)

1st thing, as you already know, this hobby is expensive... take whatever you think you will spend and double it.

2nd, patience is a virtue, the slower you go, the less problems you will have in the future. Read more, worry about impulse purchases less. The fact you have posted here with your plans before you have purchased anything is a good sign.

3rd, there are a million ways to do this successfully. Talk to lots of people who keep tanks around the size that you want and you will see. There is no 1 setup that works perfect for everyone. Different people prefer different methods.

Basic rules to fight clu.... reefkeeping are

0. good maintenance habits, (frequent testing, water changes always using RODI water)
1. good lighting (depends totally on what you want to keep)
2. filtration that results in good water quality (most reefers prefer LR as the main filtration, there are many other ways to achieve/supplement this)
3. compatible livestock (with each other and with your tank size)

Hope this is at least a start, again Welcome. If you have any questions you can PM me. I will be back in Bay Ridge after NYE.



Barnum Island
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Welcome to MR and you certainly came to the right place for answers! :)

A few...
Yes, you want a rodi (50gpd should be fine for personal water & tank water), a skimmer(ideally from the beginning), you can use the canister filter as many do, T5's sound like a good idea for your situation, and ATO makes a good top off unit.

Koralia Nanos wouldn't be anywhere near powerful enough in a 25g tank, maybe a couple of Koralia 2's or a 2 & a 3. An MP10 would (of course) be sweet!

I'd read up (a lot) on 6-lines as they are probably the # 1 fish (close tie with damels) that people want to remove from their tanks after a (short)while. :( (...I am waiting for the blast for the folks with 6 lines who'd give away Grandma before their 6-lines...lol)
(umm...always good to keep the gf happy as it is going to be date $ that is paying for this tank, ya know..so a pair of clowns would be a stellar idea! ;))

You left a good BOOK off your list, and test kits :)


Advanced Reefer
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I'd read up (a lot) on 6-lines as they are probably the # 1 fish (close tie with damels) that people want to remove from their tanks after a (short)while. :( (...I am waiting for the blast for the folks with 6 lines who'd give away Grandma before their 6-lines...lol)

I won't blast you, as I mostly agree! :tongue1:

I will say this, however, I had a 6-line that was model citizen of the reef. This seems to be the exception, though, and so if you're intent on getting a 6-line, make sure he is the last fish you put in the tank, and you may get lucky.

Otherwise... as Kathy said, get a good book, plan your system well, and good luck! Seems like you've done quite a bit of research so far, so you're on the right track.

Oh... and one other note... instead of the canister, consider a good HOB skimmer.
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Thanks a lot for all the comments. I like this forum a lot, so many posts everyday:)
Anyway, I have an update.

I grabbed an used vortech mp10, a Reef Fanatic ATO with Maxi-Jet Pump and a Tunze 9002 skimmer. I read a lot about skimming in a nano tank and I wasn't sure if I should get it, but it was under $100 so I think it was a good deal.
Now I am thinking about filtration- what would u use with that skimmer? My options are

-aquaclear 70 modified to a fuge
-aquafuge small HOB refugium
-one of the above + eheim 2213 with in-line heater and filter-floss+ chemi-pure and purigen

Or maybe something else?

I won't blast you, as I mostly agree! :tongue1:

I will say this, however, I had a 6-line that was model citizen of the reef. This seems to be the exception, though, and so if you're intent on getting a 6-line, make sure he is the last fish you put in the tank, and you may get lucky.

Otherwise... as Kathy said, get a good book, plan your system well, and good luck! Seems like you've done quite a bit of research so far, so you're on the right track.

Oh... and one other note... instead of the canister, consider a good HOB skimmer.

So no 6-line for me:( I'd rather have no isssues than fish I WANT. What would you keep with pair of clowns?

About that 2213, it's just that I have one lying around from my FW setup so I thought of using it.

I think you will do well in the Saltwater/Reef venue... your planted tank is awesome!



Old School Reefer
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Now I am thinking about filtration- what would u use with that skimmer? My options are

-aquaclear 70 modified to a fuge
-aquafuge small HOB refugium
-one of the above + eheim 2213 with in-line heater and filter-floss+ chemi-pure and purigen

Or maybe something else?

Your skimmer and your LR are your filtration. No need for any other filter. You can always use a media reactor for carbon and/or phosban.

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smoq. Your planted tank is amazing. Nice job and you will be a great reefer,, I have no doubt of that

Still waiting for the GLA to add his new aquariums on the site. I wonder how much will they be?
If it was more than $150 (rimless cube 18"x18x18) would you consider getting eco-cube from drsfostersmith instead? It's $250 with $6 shipping...
Anyway, I have one more question- if I'd opt for rimless tank, do you know someone who makes those false walls or a box in the corner. I would like to hide the skimmer and heater behind it.
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So I'm thinking and thinking again about this setup. I really would like to build my own stand, but I actually did it once for my fw setup and it wasn't a good experience. The stand end up good (link :) http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/diy/86299-75g-fish-tank-stand-my-first.html) but you see, I did it in my apartment's living room and you can imagine the mess I created.
I read couple of other opinions on solana stand and people agree it's crappy. Now I'm thinking of Red Sea Max 34g setup- people say it's good quality, has a nice stand and the only thing they usually upgrade is skimmer (to tunze 9002, which I ordered recently anyway) and flow (vortech mp10-checked:)). The problem is- hood. The lights are crappy, like in all AIO aquariums. PC T5's? What is that? Try to find bulbs for that... Does it works without the hood? Can you buy one without it?

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